When I paint from life, I am enamored by the exquisite nature before ...
... read the story behind the painting ...

When I paint from life, I am enamored by the exquisite nature before me, an endless wellspring of inspiration. Yet, I also find myself drawn to capturing the less glamorous aspects of human existence, including my own. This is why I included the hose, a symbol of the love and tender care bestowed upon this beautiful Dipladenia flower, which didn't simply spring into being. In the background, an inorganic form emerges – the heat pump air conditioner unit, far from glamorous. I hope that when you gaze upon this painting, you perceive more than just the captivating pink flowers; I aim for you to catch a fleeting glimpse of everything that unfolds in this garden.

Title: The Real Life of a Yard
Year: 2023
Size: 8x10
Media: Oil paint on Canvas Panel
Original Available
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