In this project, I wanted to explore computer stuff. Just so you know, ...
... read the story behind the painting ...

In this project, I wanted to explore computer stuff. Just so you know, I am not a computer person: if you asked me the question, "What would you paint if you wanted to do something computer related?" my answer would be “uhmmmm, a keyboard and a mouse?” Well let me tell you, apparently that is the wrong answer. When I asked the same question to my husband, who is a nerd, his answer was “a mother board and a digital multimeter to test the electronic components on the motherboard” duhhh. If you did not understand anything that I just wrote, rest assured, me neither. But one thing I saw for sure was the potential for a fun painting: look at all those colors and the tangled wires! I even got the approval of my husband when I finished it - he loved it!

Title: What is a Computer?
Year: 2021
Size: 8x10
Media: Oil paint on Canvas Panel
Original SOLD
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