This art piece just happened by itself: color, derision, and humor naturally collaborated ...
... read the story behind the painting ...

This art piece just happened by itself: color, derision, and humor naturally collaborated to create quite the heated discussion about... politics, of course! No matter where you are in the world, politics is the one subject guaranteed to engage any sort of conversation. In this work, a proud and free-spirited rooster cockily surveys an energetic conversation between 2 divided camps. Yet harmony still manages to hold on, thanks to the persevering presence of blues and ocher.

In the background, an excited debate springs up between the revolutionary newspaper "Liberation" and the royalists "fleur de lis". Similarly, any typical French dinner between friends livens up when conflicts that happened 200 years ago still animate discussions -- "Oh and while I'm talking, can someone please pour me another glass of that good Anjou wine?" Luckily, the colorful rooster reminds us to not take ourselves too seriously -- after all, this great nationalist symbol does seem to make a fool of himself quite often! And without forgetting the also-very-politically-active US, I thought it would be a nice wink to subtily start the conversation "Let's talk about global warming!" with my headline "EcoFutur"!!!

Title: French Roosters Go Green?
Year: 2014
Size: 12x16
Media: Collage and Oil paint on Masonite
Original SOLD
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