When you think about architecture in the Loire Valley, what first comes to ...
... read the story behind the painting ...

When you think about architecture in the Loire Valley, what first comes to mind?

p class=five>I bet you thought about summer castles. But that’s not the right answer! As an expert on the subject (I am French, after all!), the answer is limestone walls, slate roofs, and detailed ironwork.

p class=five>A few years ago, I went on a small tour with my childhood friend around our hometown. She is an excellent photographer, and I told her I love architectural details and painting them. So off we went exploring the nooks and crannies of La Fleche. When I looked back on the pictures, this one made me pause. There was the limestone walls and slate roofs, both stones coming from nearby quarries. There was the intricate ironwork around the lantern, which is so typically French. And above all, it felt perfectly familiar and comfortable - like I was right back at home, in the heart of Anjou. So there you go, here’s your right answer!

Title: Street Light in La Fleche, France
Year: 2020
Size: 8X10
Media: Oil paint on Canvas Panel
Original SOLD
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